Configuring Email Notifications for Dynamic Commentary
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    Configuring Email Notifications for Dynamic Commentary

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    Article summary

    You can configure email notifications for the Dynamic Commentary functionality from the Notification Settings option. This functionality helps you track actions in the Dynamic Commentary functionality and keeps you up to date by providing email notifications for the selected action based on your requirements. You will receive email notifications with hyperlinks to directly navigate to the respective product area. This helps you access reports and tasks quickly from emails.

    The email hyperlink redirects you to the corresponding artifact (for example, a Dynamic Report, a SpotlightXL View, or a SpotlightXL Report) from which the comment was posted and also opens the corresponding Comment pop-up window.

    If the email notification is regarding an assigned task, the email hyperlink redirects you to the corresponding task on the Task Manager page.

    The email for a comment posted in a SpotlightXL Excel Based Reports does not contain a hyperlink to the report. It displays the name of the Excel Based Report and the sheet within the report in which the comment exists.

    In Practice

    To configure email notifications for Dynamic Commentary, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Notifications > Notification Settings (Gear icon).
    2. Select or deselect the required checkbox under the Dynamic Commentary section. You can enable email notifications for the following actions:
      • All Actions - Enables notifications for all available actions in Dynamic Commentary. By default, this check box is selected.
      • Assigned Task - Notifies you when someone assigns you a task.
      • Marked Task As Complete - Notifies you when assigned tasks are marked as complete.
      • Mentioned on Comment - Notifies you when someone mentions you in a comment.
      • Replied to My Comment - Notifies you when someone replies to your comment.
      • Resolved Comment - Notifies you when the tagged user resolves the comment.
        You will receive email notifications only for the selected actions.

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