Understanding Load Item - Segment Hierarchies for Define Overall Rule Settings
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    Understanding Load Item - Segment Hierarchies for Define Overall Rule Settings

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    Article summary

    Hierarchy Type: Select Main Hierarchy unless you are loading data to an Alternate Hierarchy.


    • Allow Move: Select to allow parent changes for existing members.
    • Allow Property Change: Select to allow Property Changes (i.e. name, currency, or other system properties) for existing members.
    If you do not select the Allow Property Change check box, two parent entries will be created with the same code and two names (one of which will be empty). The default behavior for nodes is: Parent nodes - uniqueness is maintained at the Code-Name level. Leaf nodes uniqueness is maintained at the Code level.
    The Allow Property Change check box is enabled for the NetSuite Connect DLR. This functionality is applicable only for the Parent Child Segment Hierarchies load.


    • Level: Build a hierarchical level.
      • Select Number of Levels: Available if you select the Level option. Select the number of levels you want your hierarchy to consist of.
    • Parent Child: Build a parent child based hierarchy.

    Parent Child Versus Level Based Hierarchies

    A Parent Child hierarchy is one where you have a child field and a parent field. For example, let's say you have a table with employee department details and associated sub-ordinates.










    Matt is the ultimate boss of the department. Matt has 2 sub-ordinates: Brian and Jim. Brian's sub-ordinate is Katy.

    A Level Based hierarchy has the following structure.

    Level 1Level 2Level 3





    Ragged hierarchies is supported (hierarchies with varying levels of tree depth) while loading Level based segment hierarchies using a Data Load Rule.

    The intermediate Parent Code and Parent Name in a hierarchy cannot be empty.
    Level Based Hierarchy load does not support the loading of roll up level without any leaf level members.


    The parameters listed are those available to be included in the data file. If an elimination company was set up in Hierarchy Management, you may have a default Elim Attribute parameter (as shown below). Select Yes for Include in Data File for the Elim Attribute to obtain the value from the data you are loading to Planful. This Parameter is available for Segment Hierarchy and Alternate Hierarchy data loads.

    Include in Clear Data

    Select segments to clear or retain data for. For example, if you load data for Company A and then want to use the same data load rule to load data for Company B, the data loaded for Company A will not be deleted if you do not choose to clear the data.

    Include in Data File

    Select Yes if a dimension is not defined within the data file and there is a common member for all records.

    Select No if you do not want the listed parameters in the data file.


    Available if you select No for a parameter. Search for other dimensions to associate with the data file.

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