How to use the Legend panel?
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    How to use the Legend panel?

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    Article summary

    The Legend Panel displays color codes of signals for the following categories: Red (High-Risk), Orange (Medium-Risk), Cyan (Low-Risk), and Blue (Insufficient History). To use the legend panel, do the following:

    1. In your application, click Structured Planning and select a Scenario of your choice.
    2. Choose a Template, and click Input from Template Workflow. The template will open in the Input mode.

    3. Open the Predict drop-down menu and select Check All Lines. You will see color-coded signals along with the Legend panel at the bottom of the screen.

    4. You can deselect the unwanted categories from the Legend panel to highlight the required signal category.

    5. You can click Signals Range in the legend panel to adjust the number of signals generated by the Predict AI engine.
      The Signals Range panel pops up where you can move the slider as per your requirement to view fewer or more signals.

    6. If you want to hide the legend panel, click Hide in the legend panel.
      Legend Hide(1)Or click the Predict > Hide Legend option from the top menu bar.

    7. If you want to view the legend panel after hiding it, click the Predict > Show Legend option from the top menu bar.

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