Understanding Define Data Mappings
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    Understanding Define Data Mappings

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    Article summary

    Map Planful source data columns (Source Column) to target segments (Maps To). This mapping tells the system where and how your data will display in the columns once the load takes place.

    You can map up to 100 columns. For example, if the number of Budget Input Years is 5, you may map as many as 60 columns. However, it is not necessary to map all the months for a scenario. You must map at least one month to load data.

    Description of Fields for the Define Data Mappings Page

    Source Columns/Map To

    View Source Columns and select a Maps To option.

    • If Across Columns was selected for Time Mapping on the Define Overall Rule Setting page, monthly values will be provided in columns when the data is loaded through File, Copy Paste or Web Services. There are multiple measures that can be loaded while loading sales data.

    • If the Across Columns option was selected instead of individual Measures, the Measure Code is available in the Data Mappings in addition to the other columns. Measure Code is required in the source file.

    • Support Role (if not selected on the Define Overall Rule Settings page to be included in the data file) is added to the Data Mappings as a mandatory field.

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