Dynamic Commentary in Spotlight Web
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    Dynamic Commentary in Spotlight Web

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    Article summary

    Dynamic Commentary allows you to collaborate within Dynamic Reports, Spotlight Web (Views and Reports), SpotlightXL (Views and Reports), and Excel Based Reports. For more details on how to edit, add, and highlight the comment, click here.

    How to Add a Task

    The assignees and admin will have access to the assigned tasks. You can view the detail information on Task Manager here.

    You can assign only one task from a comment in a thread. You can assign a task to only one user at a time.
    If a comment is deleted, the task assigned from the comment is retained, but all the links to the comment are removed. If a task linked to the comment is deleted, the task-related information is also removed from the Comment pop-up window.

    To learn how to configure email notifications for the Dynamic Commentary functionality from the My Setting page, click here

    How to Edit a Task in Task Manager

    The tasks created from a comment are editable from Task Manager. This is applicable to the information mentioned in the Comment pop-up window. If you edit any of the task information from Task Manager, the updated information will be reflected in the Comments pop-up window.

    If a task is completed, then a tick mark is visible on the Comments pop-up window against the respective task name.

    If you change the assignee from Task Manager, the assignee details in the Comment pop-up window is not updated. If a task is deleted from Task Manager, it is removed from the Comment pop-up window, however, the user mentioned in the comment is retained.


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