Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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    How many leaf level members can be created?

    There is no limit to the number of leaf-level members you can create. However, organizing them under appropriate roll-up levels is recommended for better structure and manageability.

    Is there a way to export more than one report at a time?

    You can export multiple reports simultaneously by utilizing the Report Collection feature with the Bursting functionality. This functionality allows you to group several reports and export them collectively in your preferred format.

    How would I set up a reference template that will pull into another template?

    You can incorporate data from one template into another by utilizing the Reference Account (RA) feature. This functionality allows a template to reference specific accounts or data points from another template. Select a line and open the Reference Account page in the Template Setup page to enable the look-up of data from another template. For example, payroll accounts may be looked up from the Workforce template.

    How do I change the report date before running a report?

    You can adjust the reporting date by modifying the Time dimension, typically located on the Row or Column axis.

    To change the date of a dynamic report, do the following:

    1. Navigate to Reports.

    2. Open the dynamic report in which you want to modify the date.

    3. Expand the axis dropdown and click on the Time dimension.

    4. Change the sequence of selected dimension members or remove them from the right side pane.

    5. Select the checkboxes of dimension members from the left side pane that you want to add.

    6. Click the Run icon. The report with the modified date appears.

    7. Click Save or Save As to save changes in the same report or in a new report, respectively.

    Can I use a formula in the header in Reports?

    No, you cannot use formulas in the header in Reports. However, you can use substitution variables in the header.

    How do I build a variance report?

    To create a variance report in Planful, you can utilize the Dynamic Reports feature, which offers flexibility in designing customized financial reports. To create a variance report follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to the Reports.

    2. Click Add and select Dynamic Report.

    3. Choose the appropriate Reporting Area (e.g., Financial) and click OK.

    4. Drag and drop dimensions such as Company, Scenario, and Time to the Page axis to set up filters for your report to the Page Axis

    5. Drag and drop the Account dimension or a predefined Report Set to the Row axis to define the rows of your report to the Row Axis.

    6. Drag and drop the Measures dimension or a relevant Report Set to the Column axis to define the columns of your report to the Column Axis.

      • For each dimension placed on the axes, select the specific members or groups.

      • Utilize Report Sets to group related dimension members for streamlined reporting.

      • To analyze variances, create calculated columns or rows that compute the difference between actuals and forecasts or prior periods.

      • Define formulas to calculate variances and, if needed, variance percentages.

    7. Use the Format options to apply styles, alignments, borders, and number formats to enhance the report's readability. Apply conditional formatting to highlight significant variances.

    8. Click Save.

    9. Click Run to generate the report.

    How do I change the report to include prior months?

    To modify your report to include data from prior months, you can adjust the report's time settings to encompass the desired period. To include prior months in the report, do the following:

    1. Navigate to Reports.

    2. Open the reports that you want to include prior months.

    3. In the report setup, identify the Time dimension in any of the axes, which dictates the periods displayed in your report.

    4. Choose the specific prior months you want to include in your report. Ensure that the selected time range aligns with your reporting requirements.

    5. Click Save.

    6. Click Run to generate the report.

    Why is a scenario not showing for selection on DLR?

    The user may not have access to the Scenario. Users can only see scenarios they have access to. Contact the administrator to provide access to the respective scenario. Scenario access can be granted via User & Role Management or Scenario Setup.

    Can I export attribute?

    You can export attributes by using the Export option. For example, Finance attributes. To export a finance attribute, do the following:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Hierarchy Management.

    2. Select the required options in the Hierarchy Selection section. Click Setup.

    3. Click Attribute Setup and click Export as Excel or Print.

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