Mapping Users to User Groups
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Mapping Users to User Groups

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Article summary

Administrators need the ability to continually manage / update user groups. The MapToUserGroup call automatically updates user group mapping information.

Format of API String

bool MapToUserGroup(string userLogin, string userGroupCode,bool mapUser, string loginName, string password, string tenantCode)

Data That Needs to be Supplied to the API

  • userLogin (user ID) – in string format

  • userGroupCode – existing user group code in string format

  • mapUser – Boolean value – “False” unmaps the user to the user group and “True” maps the user to the user group

  • loginName, password and tenantCode – user credentials to authenticate the API connection

Sample Calls

(””,”TestUserGroup”,true,””,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) → This call adds ‘’ to UserGroup ‘TestUSerGroup’.
(””,”TestUserGroup”,false,””,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) → This call deletes ‘’ from UserGroup ‘TestUserGroup’ if they are already added to that group
	<message>Invalid user group code.</message>
	<message>User updated in user group successfully</message>

Invalid Cases

  • userLogin does not exist in Planful

  • userGroup code does not exist i in Planful

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