How to Schedule a Template Snapshot in Cloud Scheduler?
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    How to Schedule a Template Snapshot in Cloud Scheduler?

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    Article summary

    The Template Snapshot feature allows users to create a recurring schedule for the template snapshot creation. Once scheduled, the Cloud Scheduler will automatically create snapshots. This ensures the template is consistently backed up at the roll-up level without continuous user intervention. It also maintains the history of template versions, providing easy comparison, analysis, and recovery.


    Schedule a template snapshot in the cloud scheduler:

    1. Cloud Scheduler can be accessed either from Maintenance > Administration > Cloud Scheduler.

      Or when you take a snapshot from the leaf level in the Planning Control Panel.
    2. Click Cloud Scheduler to be directed to the Cloud Scheduler page.
      Access to Cloud Scheduler is restricted to users with the appropriate permissions. If access is disabled, contact your administrator for assistance in enabling access to Cloud Scheduler.
    3. Click Add from the Process Flow page.

      Three tabs are displayed on the Add Process Flow page: General Information, Tasks, and Scheduler.
    4. Fill in all the details in the General Information.
    5. Now, go to Tasks > Add Task, and on the New Task popup, select Template Snapshot from the Task Type.
    6. Enter the Task Name, Scenario, Entity, Template, and Dependencies (this is an optional field) and click Save.
    7. Use the Scheduler tab to run the process flow at a scheduled date, time, or a selected frequency.
    8. Click Save or Save & Schedule to save the task. Click Run to run the scheduler immediately.
    9. Go to the Job Manager to view the completed process and the status of each run.

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