Configuring Integration Services
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    Configuring Integration Services

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    Article summary

    The Data Integration Services feature allows you to manage the Integration Process with Boomi from within Planful. Execute an Integration Process on-demand from Planful without needing to intricately understand Boomi, and, without the help of an IT professional.

    Use the Integration Service to execute a custom Integration Process to load metadata, summary data, transactions data and operational data to Planful. This feature provides complete visibility into the type of data source and the data that is being loaded to the application. It also has full auditing capabilities as well as detailed status of each integration process.

    There are three tasks you will need to perform.

    1. First, you will need to configure the Integration Service on the Configuration Tasks - Cloud Services page.

    2. Then, admins must grant navigation access to users for the Integration Services page by selecting the Integration Services checkbox on the Navigation Access page. To learn how to assign a Navigation Access, click here.

    3. Once the Integration Service is configured and access granted, users can add integration services. To learn more about adding integration services, click here.

    How to Configure Integration Services?

    Setup the parameters for the integration as well as authentication information.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > Configuration Tasks.

    2. Click Cloud Services under Data Integration Configuration.

    3. On the Cloud Services page, click Integration Service.

    4. Enter the Account ID provided by Boomi.

    5. Planful supports HTTP (RESTful) APIs that publish data in JSON format. Enter the request in the Rest API URL field.

    6. Enter the username and password to authenticate the Rest API URL call.

    7. Click Submit. The welcome screen appears.

      Now configure a new process to define the data type to be loaded and select the vendor from which data will be loaded.

    8. Click Add. The Configure Process screen appears.

    9. The Rest API URL is populated based on the URL you already entered during step 5.

    10. For Process Type, select the type of data you are loading.

    11. Enter an Atom ID provided by Boomi. The Atom contains all the components required to execute your processes from end to end, including connectors, transformation rules, decision handling, and processing logic. This ID is provided by Boomi.

    12. Enter a Process ID and name of your choice to identify the process.

    13. Select the source vendor, Boomi (where your data is stored) for the Data Source field.

    14. Optionally, enter a description of the process.

    15. Optionally, click the Add button to launch the Custom Parameters page where you can set additional parameters. You might want to set additional parameters when you want to load data from different subsidiaries and need to identify each (Subsidiary A or B).

      1. Enter a name for the custom parameter and provide a label. Note that these two fields can be the same.

      2. For Input Type, select to present the user with a textbox or a dropdown list box. If you select Dropdown, you will be prompted to enter selectable options.

      3. By selecting the Required checkbox, users executing the process will be required to provide an input value for the parameter. If the Required checkbox is not selected, users can provide a value if desired while executing the process.

      4. Click Add more to add additional custom parameters.

      5. Click Done. Once complete, the number of parameters added (required or not) will display on the Configure Process page - Custom Parameters field.

    16. Click Done.

    Editing, Deleting and Copying Integration Service Processes

    You can copy, edit or delete the configured processes (in addition to adding new processes). You can also select to add another configured process. If you copy a process, you can then edit it as needed.

    How to Copy an Integration Service Process?

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Administration > Configuration Tasks.

    2. On the Configuration Task page (under Data Integration Configuration), click Cloud Services.

    3. On the Cloud Services page, select Integration Service.

    4. Select the three vertical dots for a process and select Duplicate.

    5. The Duplicate Process screen appears. The name of the process is the same name as the selected process you are copying, but it is preceded by Copy of. You can keep this name or rename the process.

    6. Click Save.

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