History Mapping Limitations
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    History Mapping Limitations

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    Article summary

    For the enhanced template setup, a limit has been set on the number of history mappings to ensure optimal performance. Users can define up to 100,000 history mappings. This applies to GTSC and Allocation Templates within the enhanced Template Mapping feature.

    Managing Exceeded Limits

    If the history mapping combinations exceed the limit, the template cannot be saved. To resolve this:

    1. When attempting to save a template that exceeds the history mappings limit, a Data Combination Limit Exceeded popup appears.

    2. Click the Download Report link. The downloaded report includes all row details, the number of history mapping data combinations in each row, and recommendations.

    3. Review the downloaded report and simplify the rollup selections by selecting specific leaf-level members. Click the Save icon to save the template.

    Best Practices for History Mappings

    • Avoid selecting excessively large rollups for multiple dimensions simultaneously. Adjust the rollup selections to lower the total combinations

    • Use filters to include only the relevant members from the hierarchy. Changes in dimension hierarchies might increase the member count unexpectedly

    Impact of Hierarchy Changes on History Mappings

    When creating or editing a template, you may initially select rollups that result in fewer than 100,000 history mappings for GTSC and Allocation templates at the time of saving. However, if new members are added to the hierarchy later, it can affect your template if they cause the mappings to exceed the limit. If this happens, the following areas could be impacted:

    • While opening the template in Template setup mode, users will be notified to reduce the selection to save the template

    • Users will not be able to open the Template in Input/View mode within the Planning Control Panel. To access the template, users must reduce the selections in the Template Setup mode. Impact of Hierarchy Changes on History Mappings

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