How to use Predict Signals in Templates?
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    How to use Predict Signals in Templates?

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    Article summary

    Predict Signals in Templates detects and flags potential anomalies in your data, enabling you to take corrective actions through data-driven insights. It supports GTSC, GTEC, Line Item, and Allocation templates.

    To use Predict Signals on templates, do the following:

    1. In your application, click Structured Planning.

    2. Select a Scenario and Template, and click Input from Template Workflow.

    3. Open the Predict drop-down menu and select Check All Lines.

      If your template contains more than 100 lines, Check All Lines will not be available. In such cases, first select one or several lines, then select Check Selected Line(s) to view signals.

      Once you select the option, you will see color-coded signals within the cells that need your attention.

      The following is the Legend panel displaying color codes of signals for the different categories:
    4. Right-click on any cell showing a signal and select Predict Signals > Signal Context Screen.

      The Signal Context window is displayed. You can use this window to quickly visualize the predicted range and spot anomalies that could cause variances, unnecessary spending, and inaccuracies in the forecast.

      In addition, you can also use features like Comment, Drill Through, and Resolve Signals.

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