Account Mapping Enhancements for Template Setup
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    Account Mapping Enhancements for Template Setup

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    Article summary

    With enhanced mapping in the template setup, you can view and select the rollup members along with the leaf members of a hierarchy while doing history and reference account mapping in the template setup, making the account mapping process easy and quick.


    The enhanced mapping is an Opt-In feature enhancement. If you want to enable this feature, contact Planful's support team.

    The enhanced mapping applies to Global Template Single Copy (GTSC), Allocation, Global Template Entity Copy, and Template Based HR.


    • This update does not apply to 12-period templates or templates in Shared Mode.

    • AirliftXL will not be supported.

    • Wildcard characters are not supported. Existing wildcard mappings will be expanded to the matching segment leaf members.

    A new column, J, has been added to the Template Setup screen, where you can directly start each row's destination account, reference account, or reference cube mapping process. You can find the following options when you click the edit icon in this new column:

    Column J-edited(1)

    Column J-Options

    If any line is already mapped, clicking column J's edit icon will open the respective account mapping screen.

    Once the feature is enabled, you can choose the roll-up member instead of individual leaf members of the mapping.


    This change applies to all existing and new templates in all scenarios.

    Destination Account Mapping

    Click the edit icon from column J aligned to the desired row, and select Destination Account to open the Destination account mapping screen. On this screen, you can perform Posting account mapping for posting lines, based on your requirements.

    The template line/row number, line name, and destination account mapping details are displayed.

    To perform account mapping for different lines select from the Lines the drop-down. You also have the option to choose all the Destination Account (DA) mapping lines and unmapped Calc (C) and Lines (L).

    Clear Mapping

    To unmap all the current Destination Account mappings for the selected row, use the Clear Mapping option at the top menu. However, the Clear Mappings option will only clear the Posting mappings but not the History mappings. To clear the History mapping, click Edit in the History column and update or delete the mappings manually. Refer to the History Mappings section for more information.


    You cannot add roll-ups containing different types of account members, such as MTD/YTD or Credit/Debit, to the same line.


    History Mapping

    Click the Add/Edit icon in the History column to view or update the history mappings.

    The History column has Add or Edit options:

    • Add: If the row does not have any history mappings, click Add to add history mappings.

    • Edit: if the row already has history mappings, click Edit to view, add, or modify the existing ones.

    The history screen will appear.

    If you have selected All DA, and unmapped C and L lines as the Lines on the Destination Account Mapping screen, then the History screen displays two tabs: All Lines and Selected Line.

    • All Lines: Displays the history mappings added to all lines in the template

    • Selected Lines: Displays the history mappings related only to the selected row.

    You can select segment members (roll-up or leaf) from the hierarchy for each segment column based on your requirements for a given row.

    The following are other options available against each row in the History screen:

    • Add Row - Use this option to create new rows.

    • Copy - Use this option to duplicate any existing row. Then, update the required segments in the copied row and change the mapping for each column in the new row.

    • Edit – Use this option to edit the mappings.

    • Delete - Use this option to delete any existing mapping.

    Once you have finished the mapping, click the Keep Changed and Close option to save the mapping.


    For any given line, you cannot add roll-ups that contain different types of account members within it (like MTD/YTD or Credit/Debit).

    On the history mappings screen, if there is more than one row, users can copy the value from one field to all the fields below it in the same column. To do this, use the Copy Down icon. If any of the below fields contain existing entries, they will be overwritten with the current field value. The Copy Down icon is only visible in editable Fields.


    The editable or non-editable fields depend on the configurations set in the Segment Members Mapping step during the template creation.

    Apart from these options, you can use the Show errors only toggle to view any errors that might happen during history account mapping. Enabling this toggle will display only those mapping rows that have errors. You can hover over the highlighted error fields (red underline) to know the exact issue and fix it.

    Once you have finished the mapping, click the Keep Changes and Close option to save the mapping.

    To learn about History Mapping Limitations, click here.

    Reference Account Mapping

    Click the edit icon from column J, and select Reference Account to open the Reference account mapping screen. Here, you can map the line to a template and also select segment members (rollup or leaf) for each dimension column from the hierarchy based on your requirements.

    The template line/row number, line name, and destination account mapping details are displayed.


    For any given line, you cannot add roll-ups that contain different types of account members within it (like MTD/YTD or Credit/Debit).



    The following are the options available against each row in the Reference Account Mapping screen:

    • Add row - Use this option to create new rows.

    • Copy - Use this option to duplicate any existing row. Then, update the required segments in the copied row and change the mapping for each column in the new row.

    • Edit – Use this option to edit the mappings.

    • Delete - Use this option to delete any existing mapping.

    On the Reference Account Mappings screen, if there is more than one row, users can copy the value from one field to all the fields below it in the same column. To do this, use the Copy Down icon. If any of the below fields contain existing entries, they will be overwritten with the current field value. The Copy Down icon is only visible in editable Fields.


    The editable or non-editable fields depend on the configurations set in the Segment Members Mapping step during the template creation.

    Apart from these options, you can use the Show errors only toggle to view any errors that might happen during reference account mapping. Enabling this toggle will display only those mapping rows that have errors. You can hover over the account column of the rows with errors to know the exact issue and fix it.

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