Setting Up Custom URL
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    Setting Up Custom URL

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    Article summary

    Planful customers can have a custom URL for their Planful application. You can create the URL based on the name of the company. For example, a custom Planful URL may look like

    This feature is available as an opt-in for the customers, and you can reach out to Planful Support to create a Custom URL for your application. If you use different URLs for Structured Planning and Dynamic Planning, you have to unify the URLs with OneLogin before the URL customization. For now, only sub-domain has custom URL support.

    The following settings that you might have configured with the old URL are lost after you implement the custom URL. You have to reconfigure them again with the new URL:

    • The Remember User Name on the landing page is lost.
    • The Remember password settings is lost.
    • The cookie settings to remember the two Factor Authentication OTP is lost.
    • Authenticator app configuration. You have to reconfigure the authenticator app.
    • The notification settings are lost.


    1. After you have created a Custom URL, if you click any old link that was generated (the links in the email specifically related to Graffiti and Task Manager) before creating the Custom URL, the old link will not redirect you to the new Custom URL. You will be redirected to the login page where you have to re-login into the application.
    2. If you have logged in to the application through Custm URL, and receive the following error message while trying to configure Box setup, please contact the Planful's Support team to resolve the issue.
    • Though you have configured Custom URL for your application, the standard system generated emails related to the following actions will have the old link:
      • User locked - Invalid Attempts
      • 2FA
      • Forgot Password
      • 90 days Expiry – Expired
      • User Sync New User Add
      • User Add from Admin
      • User Unlock from Admin
      • User - Send email from Admin

    This snapshot URL fix will only work for the new snapshot links but not for the existing ones.

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