Employee Positions Outside of the Current Budget Cycle
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    Employee Positions Outside of the Current Budget Cycle

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    Article summary

    You can set up employee positions outside of the current budget cycle with flexible position start and ends dates. For example, you can set up an employee termination while the budget plan is in development but before the planning scenario start date. Or, hire an employee with a state date after the planning scenario start date.

    When you enter a start or end date that falls outside of the budget cycle, Planful computes compensation and allocations appropriately. For example, if an employee is terminated, no data for that employee will be posted and transferred to the current budget.

    When an employee position is not within the planning horizon, the Allocations tab is disabled (shown below) and default allocations are applied. This ensures that there are no allocations done for the current budgeting / planning scenario, which results in an accurate budget.

    When the template is copied back to the Default scenario, the Allocation tab is enabled. When an employee position is not within the budget cycle, additional positions cannot be added to the employee. Out of budget employee allocations cannot be edited. When employees considered "out of budget" are mapped to a plan scenario in which their positions become active, allocations period ranges can be updated by adjusting from and to periods on the allocations tab.

    If the Hire Date is changed, the Position Start date is automatically updated. The automatic update is only performed when Hire Date is equal to Position Start date.

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