Additional Information on Missing Leaf Dimension Members and Continue on Error
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    Additional Information on Missing Leaf Dimension Members and Continue on Error

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    Article summary

    This is an optional configuration to continue data loading even when there are missing leaf dimension members. If this option is configured, then the data load API will continue to load the valid data and will notify users with the list of missing leaf dimension members for which data has not been loaded.

    This flag in the Data Load API continues to load data even when an Invalid member or Invalid number is encountered.


    This optional flag in the Data Load API adds missing leaf dimension members, if any, to the corresponding dimension in the Master and Analytic Model Data Load API, and then loads the data.

    To add missing leaf dimension members, the <continue-on-error> property must be set to true.

    Additionally, you can specify where the additional leaf dimension members should be added.


    Insert the <entry> ... </entry> section for each dimension that you want to specify where new members should be added.

    Use Case 1:

    This will continue the data load even if there are any missing leaf dimension members or invalid numbers found in the data load and will only load the data with the valid dimensions members.


    Use Case 2 :
    This will continue the data load even if there are any missing leaf dimension members or invalid numbers found in the data load. Then it adds missing leaf dimension members to the corresponding dimensions and loads the data.


    Use Case 3:

    This will continue the data load even if there are any missing leaf dimension members or invalid numbers found in the data load. Then it will add missing leaf dimensions members to Dimension1Name and Dimension2Name and will load the data.

    <missing-dimension-members> ... </missing-dimension-members>

    This section is optional. If this item is not included, the missing leaf dimension members will be added to DLR_DimensionName, if it exists. Otherwise DLR_DimensionName is created and the additional leaf dimension members are placed there. This occurs in each corresponding dimension with new members.

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