Using Substitution Variables for Chart Titles, SubTitles, and Axis Name
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    Using Substitution Variables for Chart Titles, SubTitles, and Axis Name

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    Using Substitution Variables for Chart Titles, SubTitles, and Axis Name

    You can use Substitution Variables like @CURYR@ and @CURBDGT@ in a chart Title , Subtitle, and Axis Name. In the example below, the current year and current budget substitution variable is used in the subtitle. When the dashboard for which the chart resides is saved or in read mode, the current year value is displayed.

    User Selection in Chart Filter

    The Chart Filter retains your member selection when you navigate away from the dashboard or sign out of the application.

    For example, if you select GL Data and Adjustments in the Pick List and navigate away from the dashboard, the GL Data and Adjustments selection will still be displayed in the chart the next time you open the dashboard as shown in the image below.


    When multiple members are selected in the Chart Filter, the members that were selected will be displayed in the Pick List. If you want to select all the options displayed in the chart filter, you can use Select All option. This behavior is different if you select Dynamic Planning Charts or dimensions (such as Scenario and Measure) in Reporting. For Dynamic Planning Charts and Scenario and Measure dimensions, only a single member can be selected.

    The Select All feature is not applicable to those dimensions where multiple selections are not enabled. For example, Dynamic Planning Models, Scenario, Measures dimensions in Financial Model.

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