Generate List of Users – Get Users
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    Generate List of Users – Get Users

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    Article summary

    The List<User>GetUsers call retrieves a list of users.

    Format of API String

    List<User> GetUsers(int startIndex=0, out hasMore,string loginName, string password, string tenantCode)

    Data That Needs to be Supplied to the API

    • startIndex – in numeric format

    • loginName, password and tenantCode – user credentials to authenticate the API connection


    API will result in a list of values

    The sample output below has 2 users and hasMore is true, which means that there are more users in the system.

    <NavigationRoleName>Budget Administrator</NavigationRoleName>
    <NavigationRoleName>Budget Administrator</NavigationRoleName>

    Sample Calls

    GetUsers(0,out has more,””,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) → Gets the users in the system from sequence no 0-4999.
    If ‘hasmore’ is set to true after the API call, the API should be called again as follows:
    GetUsers(5000,out hasMore,””,”planfulusertest”,”QATenant”) to get the next 5000 users.

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