GLData_Retrieve API
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    GLData_Retrieve API

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    Article summary

    Retrieves the collection of GLData objects that meet the filter criteria supplied. Each GLData object returned corresponds to a row of GL Data in the database.


    GLData = api.GLData _Retrieve (GLDataFilter FilterCriteria)


    Use the GLData_Retrieve call to retrieve GLData data. When a Client application invokes the GLData_Retrieve call, it passes in the GLData filter criteria in collection of GLDataFilter objects to filter the data rows.

    Upon invocation, the Web Service queries the database for GLData data rows with the specified filter criteria and returns the collection of GLData objects. Each GLData object corresponds to a data row in the database.

    The Client application can then use methods on the collection of GLData objects to iterate through the collection and retrieve information.

    The Client application must be logged in with sufficient access rights to query GLData objects.

    Arguments List

    The following table provides a list of arguments that are required for the GLData_Retrieve method call:




    Collection of segment filter objects to filter the GL Data rows during retrieval.

    • Fields on which filter can be applied: Segment1, Segment2, Segment3, Segment4, Segment5, Segment6, Segment7, Segment8, Scenario, Reporting, FiscalYear, FiscalPeriod, AmountType.

    • Mandatory filter fields: Scenario, AmountType, and FiscalYear (NOTE: FiscalYear is mandatory if scenario is Actual or filter fields contain FiscalPeriod)

    • Field operators supported: Equals, Contains

    • Multiple filters can be applied on one retrieval but only one value can be supplied per field. For instance, to retrieve the data for two scenarios Actual and Budget, the API needs to be called two times once for Actual and once for Budget scenario.


    The GLData_Retrieve method call returns collection of GLData objects, which contain the data values of GLData data rows in the database.

    Sample Code

    	<ns:LoginName>*Email ID*</ns:LoginName>


    <GLData_RetrieveWithLoginResponse xmlns="">
    		<Reporting>G/L Data (LC)</Reporting>
    		<Reporting>Currency (LC to CC)</Reporting>
    		<Reporting>G/L Data (LC)</Reporting>
    		<Reporting>Currency (LC to CC)</Reporting>

    Sample Invalid Input


    Invalid Output

    <faultstring>Scenario code is not valid</faultstring>

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