Understanding Navigation Actions
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    Understanding Navigation Actions

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    Article summary

    The Analyze tab gives you the ability to execute the following operations on a model and its view using the actions in the ribbon. The view data changes by your actions:

    Zoom In

    Under Zoom In action, there are specific actions that define how to zoom in on the displayed dimension intersection data, such as:

    • Children 
    • Leaves
    • All Children
    • Data Leaves


    When you click Zoom In and select Children, the immediate children for the selected dimension will appear.

    In Practice: Zoom In - Children 

    1. Select a dimension and navigate to Zoom In > Children.
    2. The immediately associated children for the selected dimension will appear.
    In the above image, we have selected Account as a parent member, and its immediate children are Net Income and Statistical Accounts.


    When you click Zoom In and select Leaves, only the leaf-level members associated with the selected dimension member will appear.

    In Practice: Zoom In- Leaves

    1. Select a dimension and navigate to Zoom In > Leaves.
    2.  When Leaves is selected, leaf-level members associated with the selected dimension member appear with the existing member.

    All Children

    When you click Zoom In and select All Children, all the members associated with the selected dimension are displayed.

    In Practice: Zoom In- All Children

    1. Select a dimension and navigate to Zoom In > All Children.
    2. When All Children is selected, all children members will appear for the selected dimension member.

    Before Zoom In- All ChildrenPicture6(3)

    After Zoom In- All ChildrenPicture7(2)

    In the above scenario, we have selected Net Income as a dimension; hence, selecting All Children displays all the members associated with Net Income.

    Data Leaves

    When you click Zoom In and select Data Leaves, only the leaf-level members containing data associated with all the dimensions on the row axis are displayed. 

    In Practice: Zoom In- Data Leaves

    1. Select a dimension on the row axis and then navigate to Zoom In > Data Leaves.
    2. When Data Leaves is selected, only leaf-level members containing data associated with all the dimensions on the row axis are displayed, and all parent members in the dimension are removed from the view.

    Before Data Leaves Picture9

    After Data Leaves 


    Zoom Out

    Zoom Out helps you reach the next highest level within a dimension hierarchy. For example, if you are currently in the "City" level within a geography dimension hierarchy, zooming out will take you to the "State" level.

    Zoom Out - Parent

    When you select Parent, it helps you to view the highest level parent member of the selected dimension.

    In Practice: Zoom Out- Parent

    1. Select a dimension member and navigate to Zoom Out > Parent
    2. When Parent is selected, only the next highest-level parent is displayed.

    Before Zoom Out, ParentPicture2(5)

    After Zoom Out, ParentPicture3(6)

    In the above scenario, we have selected Operating Margin as a dimension member; hence selecting Zoom Out- Parent displays Account and Net Income as a Parent member. 

    Zoom Out - Top Level

    When you select Top Level, it helps you to go back to the root member of the selected dimension. 

    In Practice: Zoom Out- Top Level

    1. Select a dimension member and navigate to Zoom Out > Top Level.
    2. When Top Level is selected, the view changes to go back to the Top Level (the top or root of the dimension or the topmost member in the dimension you have access to).

    Before Zoom Out, Top LevelPicture5(5)

    After Zoom Out, Top Level Picture6(4)


    The Pivot feature helps you to swap the dimensions between page, row, and column by defining the view as required.

    In Practice: Pivot

    1. Click the Pivot  icon and select Pivot.
    2. The column data is swapped to a row, and the row data is swapped to the column. 

    Before Pivot2(14)

    After Pivot3(6)

    Pivot to Page

    Pivot dimensions to the page level help you to pivot a dimension from a row to a Page section or from a column to a Page section.

    If only one dimension is available on the row/ column, it cannot be pivoted to the Page, as we need at least one dimension on the row and column.

    In Practice: Pivot to Page

    1. Select a dimension on a row or column and navigate to Pivot > Pivot to Page.
    2. The selected dimension is swapped to the page level.

    Pivot to Row

    With Pivot to Row, you can select a single dimension and pivot it from the column to the row or from page to row. Dimensions not selected remain on the column/page, respectively. 

    If only one dimension is available on a column, it cannot be pivoted to a row, as we need at least one dimension on the column.

    In Practice: Pivot to Row

    1. Select a dimension from the column, and navigate to Pivot > Pivot to Row.
    2.  The selected dimension is swapped from column to row.

    Pivot to Column

    With Pivot to Column, you can select a single dimension and pivot it from a row to a column or from page to column. Dimensions not selected remain on the row/page, respectively.

    If only one dimension is available on the row, it cannot be pivoted to the column, as we need at least one dimension on the row.

    In Practice: Pivot to Column

    1. Select a dimension on the row from the view, and navigate to Pivot > Pivot to Column.
    2. The selected dimension is swapped from row to column.

    Keep Only

    The Keep Only feature helps you to retain specific data within view. This action works the opposite of Remove Only.

    1. Select a cell containing members from a dimension you want to retain and click Keep Only.
    2. All other dimension members are removed, and only the data and metadata within the selected intersection are displayed.
    Data that is not kept is not permanently removed or deleted. It is just removed from the view.

    Remove Only

    The Remove Only feature helps you to remove the data and metadata for the selected member(s) from a view. 

    1. Select the required cell and click Remove Only.
    2. The selected cells are removed.
    Remove Only does not permanently remove or delete data. It just removes the intersections from the view.

    Get Data

    This action updates data in the spreadsheet after selections are made.

    1. Select any view.
    2. Click the Get Data icon to update or refresh the selected view.

    In Practice: To Display the Hierarchical Order by Updating the dimension members of a view

    1. Select any dimension member or view, and click Update Selection.
    2. The selected dimension member of view is displayed on the sidebar in hierarchical order.

      In the above instance, we have selected Design Marketing Report as a view.

    3. Likewise, select any dimension member from the sidebar, and click Apply.
    4. The selected dimension member is displayed on the screen.
      In the below instance, we have selected Net Income as a dimension.
      If you want to update dimension members for any other dimension in the view, follow the same steps again.
      1. Select the dimension, and click Update Selection on the sidebar.
      2. Select the member and click Apply.
      3. Select the POV members by clicking the Update Selection option in ESM views.
      Otherwise, you can also update members using the drop-down list for each dimension.

    Suppress Row

    Suppressing rows in a spreadsheet is the process of hiding certain rows from view. It helps you to create summary reports or hide some information. The below set of options are available to do ad-hoc analysis:

    • None: By selecting None, all rows, including Blank and Zero rows, are displayed in the view.
    This is the default value.
    • Zero: By selecting Zero, the rows with zero values will be hidden from the view.
    • Blank: By selecting Blank, the rows that do not have data (blank) will be hidden from the view
    • Both: By selecting Both, the rows with zero values or blank rows are hidden from the view.

    In Practice: Suppress Row

    1. Select the required row, and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
    2. The sub-menu bar appears; click the Suppress Row icon.
    3. Select the required option. 

    Suppress Column

    Suppress columns help to hide or remove unnecessary information from a dataset, reduce the size of the dataset, and help to keep only the columns that are required for a particular task. 

    • None: By selecting None, all columns, including Blank and Zero columns, are displayed in the view.
    This is the default value.
    • Zero: By selecting Zero, the columns with zero values will be hidden from the view.
    • Blank: By selecting Blank, the columns that do not have data (blank) will be hidden from the view
    • Both: By selecting Both, the rows with zero values or blank columns are hidden from the view.

    In Practice: Suppress Column

    1. Select the required row, and clickthe vertical ellipsis icon.
    2. The sub-menu bar appears, click the Suppress Column icon.
    3. Select the required option. 

    Indent Row Members

    Indenting row members help to identify the hierarchical relationship between the parent and its children members and are especially useful for large datasets with multiple levels of hierarchy. Another benefit is that it helps to improve the readability of the data. Additionally, it also helps simplify navigation through the dataset. 

    • YES: Select YES to indent data. 
    • NO: Select NO to keep the data unindented.
    The default value is NO.

    In Practice: Indent Row

    1. Select the row, and click the vertical ellipsis icon. The sub-menu bar appears.
    2.  Click the Indent Row icon, and select Yes.
    3. The row is indented as per hierarchical order. 
    The default value is NO.

    Number Formats

    The Number Format helps you to show the digits of your data in three formats: 

    • Currency: By selecting Currency, you can view your data in your local currency format.
    1. Click the Number Format icon > Currency.
    2. The numbers available in the cell are converted to currency format.
    • Percent: By selecting Percent, your data is displayed in a percentage format.
    1. Click the Number Format icon  > Percentage.
    2. The numbers available in the cell are converted to percentage format.
    • Numeric: By selecting Numeric, the data is displayed in numeric format.
    1. Click the Number Format icon > Numeric.
    2. The numbers available in the cell are converted to numeric format.


    Using this feature, you can customize the display of dimension members in two sub-options:

    • Display-Label
    • Code


    This feature helps to display the dimension member, including both code and label. 

    In Practice: Display-Label

    1. Open a view and click the vertical ellipsis icon.
    2. The sub-menu bar appears; click the Display  icon > Display-Label.
    3. The dimensions will appear with the member code and display label.


    With this feature, you can display the dimension member with code only. 

    In Practice: Code

    1. Open a view and click  the vertical ellipsis icon.
    2. The sub-menu bar appears; click the Display  icon > Code.
    3. The dimensions will appear with the member code.

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