Understanding Drill Down and Drill Through in Dynamic Reports
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    Understanding Drill Down and Drill Through in Dynamic Reports

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    Article summary

    Traditionally, the Reports section in the Planful application supports two types of drilling capabilities which are as follows:

    • Drill Down 
    • Drill through

    Drill Down

    Drill down refers to the hierarchical drilling capabilities within a given report. Using this capability, you can expand a line on the report to see data for lower-level members in the main/alternate/attribute hierarchy.

    The following are different examples where you can use the drill-down capabilities in a report to view further information in it:

    • To view any Time dimension data - For example, if you expand 2017, you can view data for the 4 quarters associated with 2017. If you expand each quarter you can view data for each month.
    • To view any Variable data - If you expand a variable, such as @CURYR@, you can view data for the 4 quarters associated with the current year variable. You can expand the quarters to view data for each month.
    • Drill down a simple Rule in a Report Set used in a Report. For example, you define a line as follows:
      sum({4010 - Gross Sales , 4020 - Royalties , 4030 - Indirect Sales , 4100 - Intercompany Sales - Mfg})
      You can drill down to view data for 4010, 4020, 4030, and 4100.
      Or, let's say you define a line as follows:
      sum({@CURMTH@ , @CURMTH-1@ , @CURMTH-2@ , @CURMTH-3@ , @CURMTH-4@})
      You can drill down to view data for the current month and the previous 4 months.
    A rule represents data elements in the cube similar to rules created in Excel (similar to cells, rows, and columns). Report Sets are built using rules.

    Drill Through

    You can select any cell with data in it from a Report and select the Drill Through option from the top menu to view transactional data or translational details loaded with Data Load Rules in a drill-through report from single or multiple templates. All Financial dimensions, the corresponding currency, and amounts for each period are displayed in the drill-through report for all modules and templates.

    The following are different examples where you can use the drill-through capabilities in a report to view further information in it:

    • You have Net Income on the row and Aug-17 on the column. Click the number and drill to the daily transactional or translations data. This works only if the data is loaded with Data Load Rules.
    • You have Net Income on the row and @CURMTH@ on the column. Click the number and you can drill to the daily transactional or translations data if loaded via Data Load Rules.
    • You have Net Income on the row and sum({@CURMTH@ , @CURMTH-1@ , @CURMTH-2@ , @CURMTH-3@ , @CURMTH-4@}). When you drill through, you can view the transactional or translations data for the current month and the previous 4 months.
    • You have ([Account].&[1068],[Department]. &[101],[Project].&[565]) on the row defined using the Multiple dimension option in Report Sets and MTD on the column. You can drill into the daily transactional or translations data.

    Drill-through displays values from the beginning of the year to the current period when YTD or QTD are applied.

    Values displayed in the drill-through pop-up window are applicable for all periods, from either the beginning of the current fiscal year or the period selected during report design. For example, if the current month is set to September, drill-through displays the values from January until September if YTD is the Measure applied.

    The columns for transactional or translation drill-through data can be sorted in the pop-up window.

    Drill through will work if the row and column use simple rule definitions. Suppose multi-dimensional rules are defined using the Advanced Rule page. In that case, the system will not automatically translate the rule to a simple rule definition, and drill through is not opened until you manually convert the advanced rules into simple rules

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