Exploring Additional Hierarchy Topics
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Exploring Additional Hierarchy Topics

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User Access to Hierarchies

  • Once you create hierarchies, you need to provide user access to hierarchies. This is done through Approval Roles for budget entities (used in budget entity hierarchies). Click here to learn more about approval role setup.
  • You can grant users read-only access to any of the dimension hierarchies by enabling the Standard Report named "Segment Hierarchy". Once deployed, a standard report is available in the File Cabinet that allows the user to see any of the dimension hierarchies. Click here to learn more about this standard report.
  • For financial segments (used in financial hierarchies) grant access via Dimension Security. Click here to more about Dimension Security.

Disallowed Strings for Attributes and Dimensions

The following strings cannot be used as names for attributes or dimensions:

  • Absolute, Actionparameterset, Addcalculatedmembers, After, Aggregate, All, Allmembers, Ancestor, Ancestors, And, As, Asc, Ascendants, Attribute, Average, Axis
  • Basc, Bdesc, Before, Before_And_After, Bottomcount, Bottompercent, Bottomsum, By
  • Cache, Calculate, Calculation, Calculationcurrentpass, Calculationpassvalue, Calculations, Call, Cell, Cellformulasetlist, Chapters, Children, Clear, Closingperiod, Coalesceempty, Column, Columns, CompensationItem, Correlation, Count, Cousin, Covariance, Covariancen, Create, Createpropertyset, Createvirtualdimension, Crossjoin, Cube, Current, Currentcube, Currentmember
  • Default_Member, Defaultmember, Desc, Descendants, Description, Dimension, Dimension, Dimensions, Distinct, Distinctcount, Drilldownlevel, Drilldownlevelbottom, Drilldownleveltop, Drilldownmember, Drilldownmemberbottom, Drilldownmembertop, Drilluplevel, Drillupmember, Drop
  • Employee, EmployeeType, Empty, End, Error, Except, Excludeempty, Extract
  • False, Filter, Firstchild, Firstsibling, For, Freeze, From
  • Generate, Global, Group, Grouping
  • Head, Hidden, Hierarchize, Hierarchy, HomeBudgetEntity
  • Id, Ignore, Iif, Includeempty, Index, Intersect, Is, Isancestor, Isempty, Isgeneration, Isleaf, Issibling, Item
  • Kpi, Lag, Lastchild, Lastperiods, Lastsibling, Lead, Leaves, Level, Levels, Linkmember, Linregintercept, Linregpoint, Linregr2, Linregslope, Linregvariance, Lookupcube
  • Max, Measure, Measures, Median, Member, Members, Membertostr, Min, Mtd
  • Name, Name, Nametoset, Nest, Nextmember, No_Allocation, No_Properties, Non, Nonemptycrossjoin, Not_Related_To_Facts, Null, On, Openingperiod, Or
  • Pages, Parallelperiod, Parent, Partition, Pass, Periodstodate, Position, PositionBudgetEntity, Post, Predict, Prevmember, Properties, Property
  • Qtd
  • Rank, Recursive, Relative, Rollup, Rollupchildren, Root, Rows
  • Scope, Sections, Select, Self, Self_And_After, Self_And_Before, Self_Before_After, Session, Set, Settoarray, Settostr, Sort, Stddev, Stddevp, Stdev, Stdevp, Storage, Stripcalculatedmembers, Strtomember, Strtoset, Strtotuple, Strtoval, Strtovalue, Subset, Sum
  • Tail, This, Toggledrillstate, Topcount, Toppercent, Topsum, Totals, Tree, True, Tupletostr, Type
  • Union, Unique, Uniquename, Update, Use, User, Use_Equal_Allocation, Use_Weighted_Allocation, Use_Weighted_Increment, Username
  • Validmeasure, Value, Var, Variance, Variancep, Varp, Visual, Visualtotals
  • Where, With, Wtd
  • Xor
  • Ytd, key

Dimension Locking

If a user accesses a hierarchy under the Account dimension, for example, the account dimension becomes locked for all other users and any hierarchy under the Account dimension will be available as read-only. The lock is released when the user navigates away from the hierarchy or signs out of the application.

Updating Reports with Changes Made to Accounts

For any changes made to an account to appear in Reporting, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Update account properties in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Hierarchy Management.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Navigate to Maintenance, Process Cube & Dimension.
  4. Process each scenario for which values should be re-calculated in the Reporting cube.

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