How to Add a Block Template Type?
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    How to Add a Block Template Type?

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    Article summary

    Complete the following steps to build a Block template.

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > Planning Templates > Template Setup.

    1. Ensure the selected Scenario is the Default Scenario. Click Add.

    1. For Template Type, select Block Template.

    1. Enter Template Code, Template Name, and select the Entity Type for the template. This information is populated from the Entity Types set up in Hierarchy Management.

    1. The Enable Global Fields checkbox is selected by default to allow global fields in the template setup. Uncheck the checkbox if you wish to disable it. For more information on Global Fields, see Setting Up and Applying Global Fields to Templates.


    1. Select Detach all Upon Exit to detach budgeted segments and associated data from the template. You can reattach the budgeted products and segments when required. This action does not delete anything. If you select this checkbox, when a template is opened via the Planning Control Panel, users will be able to select this option. When a template is closed and then reopened, there will be nothing on it. It will not affect what has already been planned, but you will not see it on the template until you add the block.

    1. Click the Template Columns tab. The attributes defined here are reflected in the template when you access it from the Planning Control Panel. Add Attribute Columns as necessary. You can define up to 10 attributes.


    1. Once complete, click the Segment Members tab. You can set Segment Member Sources for Global Template Single Copy, Global Template Entity Copy, Allocation and Line item templates.
      For each segment, select one of the following options, which determines how the segment members will be mapped for the input lines:

      • All Members in the dimension are available to be defined in the rows

      • Fixed Segment Members are a single-member selection

      • Filtered Segment Members allows the user to define multiple members

      • Budget Control Panel Member is controlled by the budget entity

      • Allow Destination Account Setup to enable a row with flexibility to override the destination account mappings of the dimensions in the budget entity

      • Template Design -Indicates that the mapping for the respective definition is performed from the template setup page.
        For example, notice the Segment Member Mapping when the Block template is created.
        BT3Blocks are repeated sections of the same line. When the template is opened in the Planning Control Panel, the Block Design tab is available and the setup is based on the selections made when the template was created.

    1. Click Save and click the Back button to return to the Template List page. Or, click More > Template Setup to set up the template structure such as lines, account mapping, formulas, and formatting. Remember, the template is not complete until Template Setup is done.

    The maximum number of rows recommended in a Block template is 50 for optimal performance.

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