User Security Setup
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    User Security Setup

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    Article summary

    Access to MyPlan Configurations

    MyPlan is directly integrated with Navigation Access. A new option called MyPlan has been added to the Navigation Access screen. Currently Navigation Roles will still apply with the usage of MyPlan. Admins must determine what users within their current Navigation Roles should have access to both MyPlan and the rest of the Planning application for data input. These types of users are called Contributor Users. If users only have access to MyPlan for data input, these users are called MyPlan Only users. If admins only want to give users access to MyPlan Only, they have the option of creating a new navigation role specific for MyPlan Only users. The steps listed below will first assume that you are giving access to Contributor Users (both Planning and MyPlan users), and secondly will address setting my MyPlan Only Users.

    Complete the following steps to setup MyPlan security for Contributor Users:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > User Management > Navigation Role.

    2. Select a power user role. In the screenshot below Budget Administrator is selected. Click Navigation Access.


    3. After clicking on the selected navigation role, drill down (click the arrow) on the Budget selection. You will see the new selection called MyPlan. Check this box.


    4. Next, click Save. Repeat the above steps for all navigation roles that need access to both MyPlan and the Planning application for data input. Remember this combination is called a Contributor User. For Contributor Users, both the Operating Budget and the MyPlan options must be selected.

    Complete the following steps to setup MyPlan Only user security:

    1. Navigate to Maintenance > User Management > Navigation Role.

    2. Create a new Navigation Role by clicking the + sign.

    3. Add a code for the new navigation role. Ideally it should be something that ends in MyPlan Only. In the below screenshot Budget Preparer- MyPlan Only is the navigation role code. The navigation role name is optional.

    4. Click Save.


    5. Next, select the newly created navigation role and complete all the access needed for this role. When you come to the Budget selection, select MyPlan. Do not select the Operating Budget option. For MyPlan Only users, the MyPlan option should be the only option selected under the Budget Section.


    6. Click Save.

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